Your business has what it needs… you.

Welcome! I’m Melanie Obitz-Bukartek, a non-profit EdTech founder, award-winning educator, published writer, and custom sneaker enthusiast. I want you to know that writing is a tool for life and that means it's also a tool for your business.

Together we can uncover the paths that are best for your unique style of entrepreneurship.

Sign up for The Atlas to receive fresh perspectives, practical tools, and candid shares that support your entrepreneurial journey.
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Gain clarity for a path that aligns with your values.

    As a business owner, your most valuable asset isn't the latest iPhone or the trendiest app. It's not a complex workflow or automated system. Your most valuable asset is something you already have, it just might not be obvious (yet).
    The resources and teachings offered here help you dial in on the tools that resonate most with you, honoring your uniqueness and strengths. This empowers you to tap into the clarity you need to confidently forge ahead.
    The Pillars of Growth


    Clarity on your goals simplifies how you navigate everything else.
    eye glass


    Uncover what aligns perfectly for you, not swayed by external chatter.


    Manifestation and mantras are fine. Combined with action, they’re great.

    Your business, your way. These resources are for you to take, toss, or transform as you see fit.


    With a refreshing perspective on business growth, you’ll hear about triumphs and trials, missteps that led to rerouting. These honest insights are shared so you can carve your own entrepreneurial path. Sign up to receive The Atlas straight to your inbox.


    From detailed courses to candid insight, you’ll find a treasure trove of resources just for you. Since there isn’t a one-sized-fits-all approach to success, think of these resources as your trusty guide, offering paths to clarity and actionable steps.


    Get connected without the constant scroll. In this cohort-based course, you'll discover marketing strategies that suit your personal style.


    Join me in Bethany Beach, Delaware for an all-inclusve four-day immersive experience designed to ignite your imagination and support your individual business aspirations. Hosted at an idyllic bed-and-breakfast, Addy Sea,that inspires your journey to be as expansive as the changing tides.

    You’ve got what it takes to crush it as a business owner—I’m here, shining a light on that truth.

    Solopreneurship? Business ownership? Yep, I’ve ridden those rollercoasters. The highs-–closing a $10k deal in minutes; the lows-–the bank says we don’t have enough traction; and those unexpected loops-–when the freelancer returns to their 9-to-5 without finishing the project.

    When I step onto a stage or lead learning sessions, it’s about more than sharing knowledge. It’s about nurturing a community where we can grow together, tapping into the collective strengths that lift each other higher than we could climb alone.

    An educator turned founder, I'm building a suite of apps to democratize writing instruction ensuring everyone can use writing as a tool for their life. I live in Delaware—just a seagull’s glide from the ocean—with my husband, son, and two beachcombing dogs.
    Want to create an empowering experience for your audience? I'm available as a keynote speaker and contributor.